First, I know you are all dying to know…I still have not folded and put away the laundry mentioned earlier this week! A few friends joked that they wanted proof I had done it, hard stop – 100% NOT doing it because I’m stubborn. And I don’t want the spare bedroom to get lonely. I’m a very thoughtful person!
I don’t know if it’s the weather, the fact January is the longest fucking month (even if it’s really not), my mood, or what but after work and meetings all I want to do is cuddle up under a blanket and get out of my head. The easiest way to accomplish this is by playing with my beads. I should be reading, and gaining knowledge, blah, blah, blah. But then my head starts thinking and before I know it, I’m on to the next page without remembering even one word I have read. When I play with beads all I focus on is the beautiful colors, patterns, and the personality of the people I’m making jewelry for. Or personalities if they’re anything like me!
I’m going to give myself today and the next two days to keep fucking off before I get back to the grind!
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