When In Doubt

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Tonight is the last Tuesday of the month when we read from 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. Reading step ten these parts really resonated with me. “We can try to stop making unreasonable demands upon those we love. We can show kindness where we had shown none.” and “When in doubt we can always pause, saying “Not my will, Thine will, be done.” And we can often ask ourselves, “Am I doing to others as I would have them do to me – today?””

Taking personal inventory daily is an important part of our continuous process of self-reflection and accountability. It helps us understand ourselves on a deeper level so we can control our actions. So that we can quickly correct our wrongs instead of collecting and carrying them around like heavy baggage. It’s unhealthy to let these things live rent-free in our heads taking up space they don’t deserve.

My goals for the next fourteen days are to share a gratitude list, read pages 86-88 ‘On Awakening’ from the big book, and take my personal inventory at night. I think the change from my normal routine will be a great switch-up for a few weeks. I like testing new things to find out what is the most helpful to me.

I was the greeter tonight at the meeting and brought the February birthday cake for members with AA birthdays. I love being of service to my fellow alcoholics whenever possible. It makes me feel good and keeps me sober.

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