Decisions are hard. Going outside my comfort zone is hard. Adulting is hard.
I was given a great opportunity to go to Kauai in June, which I promptly declined without hesitation. It’s been on my mind, and I hate that I said no so quickly without even thinking it through. 100 reasons automatically started racing through my mind and shot down the idea. In reality, they are not reasons; they are excuses because I’m scared, and it’s easier to say no and stay in my comfort zone. Traveling gives me anxiety. I will miss my daughter and pets. I won’t be at work to solve problems. My house could fall down or burn. I could be eaten by sharks.
What if my daughter and pets are just a phone call away? What if my more than capable co-workers solved problems at work? What if my sturdy and mostly fireproof house still stands when I get home? What if I don’t get eaten by sharks? And what if I have an amazing trip at one of the most beautiful places on earth? You only live once! This opportunity is a blessing and a gift that the big book talks about for the hard work I’ve been doing in my recovery.
I booked my flight this morning; my worries and fears are turning into anticipation and excitement. I get to spend a week on an island with my feet in the sand, healing my soul. I get to be sober and make wonderful memories with friends I can cherish for a lifetime. AA in Kauai better look out. They’ll never be the same after this sober as fuck capri sun from the mainland visits!
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