90 Seconds

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An emotion is a chemical process associated with our subconscious that only lasts 90 seconds biologically. Today was a rough day at work, and I found myself reading from the big book twice for sanity. It helped, but I remembered reading something about emotions lasting a short time and decided to search online. 90 seconds that feel like an eternity. I have to pause for 91 seconds without reacting to a situation, then prepare a logical response like a fucking adult. Because I have no control over people, places, or things.

A craving lasts 10-15 minutes. If you couple the two together, you’re looking at a good 20-minute timeout to be on the safe side. Needless to say, I spent a fair amount of time today in timeout. I walked away from my computer for at least 91 seconds to refill my water or use the bathroom several times. I also took a lunch break that was over 20 minutes.

At the meeting tonight, I shared about this fascinating fact I had learned and my day. As usual, I was not alone. Several other women shared about their similar days. The reassurance from hearing their stories and the tools they had used to overcome difficult situations brought me some peace and made me feel calmer. A sense of belonging in this crazy world, inner serenity that we’re all seeking.

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