I am lucky to have an amazing support system at work with those I have shared my story with and even those who aren’t quite sure what I have been going through recently. As part of my recovery plan, I am going to the office instead of working from home isolated from everyone. Thanks COVID! During active alcoholism I’ve proven myself at times to be a liar, unreliable, and unproductive. My employer and co-workers want to see me mentally healthy, stable, and the best version of myself I can be. They have seen both versions and no one likes the ‘bad’ Ci.
During rehab I had done pretty well working through the shame and guilt of co-workers knowing or hearing rumors that I had been in rehab, but I still dreaded walking into the office this past Monday to face the gossip and stares. I should have given them more credit because I was met with nothing but love, genuine care, tons of hugs, and no prying questions. As much as I think bras and ‘real’ shoes are highly overrated going to the office this week has been really positive. Socializing instead of isolating has been a good change for my sobriety…who would have thought?
Reflecting back on this past week I am so grateful for my mentor, N.A. One word to describe her is fierce. Her love, loyalty, work ethic, support, and everything else this amazing woman does is done fiercely and gracefully.
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