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Happiness is a positive emotion and state of mind I’m getting to know. I used to expect to feel happiness because I was entitled to it and deserved it without lifting a finger. What a fucking idiot. I’m learning that my happiness is dependent on my choices and actions. When I choose to focus on being positive and projecting positive energy in my daily actions, happiness follows.

I have to make a conscious effort to be positive in my daily tasks, or I tend to think negatively, which is reflected in everything I say and do. Negativity is more infectious than positivity and sticks around like glitter. I picture a little fairy sprinkling negative dust all over, and that’s just rude of me!

I am practicing making the choice to be positive and not shit on other people’s day either every day. I’m not perfect and still have those days where the negativity dust wins over being positive. I want to do my small part in this big world to spread happiness.

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