Mission: Relaxation

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I had plans to go fishing and stay in a cabin for the night that had to be rescheduled. Rescheduled, not cancelled. Big difference because I will go soon. After my sponsor meeting and finishing step one, I braved Costco for Queenie girl’s prescription and headed home $225 later. I managed to marinate some chicken for dinner, and then it was time to relax. I always feel like there is something I should be doing instead of sitting around. Rather, lots of somethings. But I didn’t today. I can’t even remember what I watched while I sat on the couch like a vegetable. No reading, journaling, or studying. Just sitting and occasionally nodding off for a few minutes here and there for cat naps.

After a few hours, I packed up the food and headed to a friend’s house for dinner, where we cooked and were lazy some more. When I got home, I didn’t even bother to put fresh sheets on my bed. I made a makeshift bed and am sitting here journaling for the day. I’m not very entertaining today, but my relaxation mission is accomplished. I can lay my head down on the pillow and fall asleep sober with no fear of waking up trying to remember any regrets. Murder porn Dateline playing on the TV for white noise. Only allowed on the weekends when I don’t have to make sure my sleep is uninterrupted.

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