Inspire – To cause something to happen or be created; to breathe in, inhale, and bring in the new air; to exert an investigation and exalting influence upon a person.
When I first started journaling in rehab it helped me sort through my emotions and feelings that had been suppressed for so many years but surfacing now that I was sober and in a safe environment. I was facing them with the help of counseling and classes, but I was overwhelmed and didn’t understand them. I participated and shared, but I also needed internal soul-searching alone.
One of my counselors touched my heart and left a lasting impression. Some people are easier to connect with than others. She understood me and taught me in a way that I could easily relate to my everyday life. My favorite lesson was on vulnerability. Lobsters grow by molting. They absorb a lot of water and shed their shell that they are outgrowing. This leaves them completely vulnerable to everything while their new soft shell grows and hardens. We addicts have to shed all of our pride, being completely vulnerable while absorbing knowledge, skills, and tools that are our new shells. The sick little fucks also eat their old shells. I have no intention of eating my pride, crow is bad enough when I have to do that. She taught me that it’s ok to not to be ok, and asking for help.
I promised myself when I got home, I would journal daily and start a blog where others could read it. Hopefully, it will help someone else realize that it’s ok to not be ok and to ask for help.
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