Topic for tonight was sobriety date and what it means to you. I love diversity and hearing the different perspectives always intrigues me. Most of us agreed that if we even remembered the days leading up to our sobriety date at all, the memories are foggy and intermittent at best. To some, their sobriety date doesn’t have a significant meaning, what is important to them is the fact that they are living sober in the present. To others, like me, I look at my sobriety date as my birthday because it signifies being given the opportunity to start over fresh and leave my dark past behind me. It’s a constant reminder of where I’ve been and the future I’m working towards every hour, minute, and second of every day.
Some have had previous sobriety dates that were forced on them by family or courts and were simply going through the motions of sobriety for periods of time, even years, before relapsing and the finding their way back sobriety by following their own path, to find that their new sobriety date that is meaningful to them because of the obstacles they had to overcome while they traveled that journey.
Whether our sobriety date is meaningful to us or not, being able to discuss openly creates a camaraderie with each other that I’m grateful each and every day.
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