Take Care of Me…Sincerely, Your Body

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Self-care sounds like an easy enough daily task, right? During active addiction, and isolation it’s a huge task that I don’t want to do. I would tell myself that I didn’t see anyone so who cares. I felt accomplished for the day if I rolled out of bed early enough to brush my hair and teeth before work. I was giving myself a high five if I took a break to shower and put clean pajamas on. And eating sustenance, not coffee and candy? That was gold star worthy. There was no routine or schedule to follow so like the rest of my life, self-care was fucking out of control.

I love being back on track and taking care of myself. I have a purpose and reason to get out of bed early and get ready for the day, even if the only plans I have is to hang around the house on the weekend. My physical health has also improved significantly by making sure I eat at least two means a day. Self-care is a huge part of recovery and shows that every little task has a purpose.

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