I’m excited for longer days, but I woke up so confused this morning. Was it supposed to be dark still at this time? What time is the sun going to set now? Do I feed the animals at the old time or the new time? So many questions! I didn’t feel settled until I saw other cars when I pulled into the parking lot for the women’s meeting. I half expected no one else to be there.
It was inspiring to see women from the other women’s meeting I attend and my alumni meeting coming to my home group meeting. I know getting out of bed early on a Sunday morning, let alone going anywhere in public, is the last thing I want to do, but I’m always glad I did after the meeting. Being in a room full of women who will be, currently are, or already have been, going through the same life and recovery challenges that I am makes me feel comforted and well worth leaving the comfort of my bed. It reminds me of part of Chapter 2, There Is A Solution, in the big book. “We are people who normally would not mix. But there exists among us a fellowship, a friendliness, and an understanding which is indescribably wonderful.”
I hope my internal clock gets her shit together tomorrow morning because I have plans to kick ass and take names. Lots of work to do and this week is not allowed to get me down like its ugly stepsister, last week.
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