Hello World!
Tough times don’t last, tough people do. – Robert Schuller
My name is Ciana ‘Ci’, and I am an alcoholic. I’ve struggled with addiction for most of my life. As a teenager I experimented with drugs and alcohol but was always able to stop using drugs without any significant withdrawals or impact. Alcohol on the other hand, was not so easy.
I’ve maintained sobriety in the past for long periods of time but always given in to ‘one drink’. For those of us suffering from addiction you know that one drink is too many, and one more is never enough. I wanted this time to be different, I needed this time to be different, because no matter how much I lied to myself and tried to lie to everyone else, I could see the effects in every aspect of my life.
So, I went to rehab! I started journaling as part of my daily routine in rehab. I kept thinking about something I heard there that really resonated with me. I watched a recording of Brene Brown who said, “One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” I don’t know if this blog will become someone else’s survival guide or just my journal to reflect back on later, I will be stronger for it either way.
May you be sober and happy always! Ci
Rehab Christmas Party 2024!
12.21.24 Who the hell takes a bunch of sober alcoholics’ ice skating?! Being cautious in my new sobriety the only Christmas party I went to this year was for my rehab alumni. It’s amazing how much fun we can all have sober when we never would have dreamed of going to any kind of party…
Sobriety Date
12.20.24 Topic for tonight was sobriety date and what it means to you. I love diversity and hearing the different perspectives always intrigues me. Most of us agreed that if we even remembered the days leading up to our sobriety date at all, the memories are foggy and intermittent at best. To some, their sobriety…
Raw, Intimate, Vulnerable
12.19.24 I made a promise to myself that I would practice acts of service whenever possible. Helping others also helps me feel good and grow emotionally. I set a goal to start a blog when I got back home with my journal entries for every day. Maybe it will help a newcomer to sobriety but…
Take Care Of Me…Sincerely, Your Body
12.18.24 Self-care sounds like an easy enough daily task, right? During active addiction, and isolation it’s a huge task that I don’t want to do. I would tell myself that I didn’t see anyone so who cares. I felt accomplished for the day if I rolled out of bed early enough to brush my hair…